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Vasaka Vasaka

Herbal Products

Vasaka (Malabar Nut Tree/Adhatoda zeylanica) is well known in Ayurveda for its beneficial effects in respiratory ailments, particularly as an expectorant in bronchitis. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots are used extensively for treating cold, cough, whooping-cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma.

ConfezioneRisparmio Per compressa Prezzo Ordine
60 dpi × 180 compresse€ 13.80€ 0.15 € 27.75 Aggiornare il carrello
60 dpi × 120 compresse€ 4.59€ 0.19 € 23.12 Aggiornare il carrello
60 dpi × 60 compresse€ 0.23 € 13.85 Aggiornare il carrello

Vasaka bottle

What is this herbal medicine?

VASAKA (Malabar Nut Tree/Adhatoda zeylanica) is well known in Ayurveda for its beneficial effects in respiratory ailments, particularly as an expectorant in bronchitis. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots are used extensively for treating cold, cough, whooping-cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. Vasaka grows throughout India, up to an altitude of 1,300 meters.

Active constituents

Vasaka contains the pyrroquinazoline alkaloids, including vasicine, vasicol and vasinone along with other minor constituents. Vasicine and vasinone are the major bioactive constituents of Vasaka which have bronchodilatory and antitussive properties. The alkaloids present in the plant show significant protection against allergen-induced bronchial obstruction.

Herb functions:

Respiratory care: Vasaka exhibits anti-inflammatory, antitussive and bronchodilatory action which eases congestion and coughing by helping loosen and thin mucus in airways. Vasaka relieves dyspnea by dilating the airways and improves overall lung functions. The herb is an excellent supportive therapy for symptomatic relief in tuberculosis and pulmonary infections.


  • Productive cough
  • Bronchitis
  • Bronchial asthma



Recommended dose:

One capsule, twice a day or as directed by your physician


Each capsule contains 250mg extract of Vasaka
Note: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.


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